Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day one - Humor

Excellent timing here.  I'm about 85 percent asleep and ready to post the first blog.  I promised myself I wouldn't plan anything, but instead force myself to write about the first thing that popped up after I started typing.  Had some beauts' lined up, but they'll have to wait while I deliver on this promise.  <Pause> ...  Rats.  The first thing that popped in was a Facebook comment I added just minutes ago.
Well, at least the post didn't end up being x-rated.
 Based on some recent posts and a long history of people shaking their heads, I am forced to realize that often my humor only seems to work if you are coming from the same perspective of , well,  me.  If somebody says that person doesn't want to hear anymore about "X", I am automatically driven to attempt some "humor" based on X squared.  Jokes about your profession are always favored.  I have several friends that are attorneys and I love to hit them with  the latest belly-buster.  Now, in my head, I would only tell such a joke to an attorney that clearly realizes I wouldn't tell it if I thought it might be taken personally.  Instead, I think by telling them they will be flattered that I obviously don't count them among the shark-like critter that the joke targeted.  I have learned that some of them aren't flattered. Oh well.
It's interesting that this "thought" occurred on Day 1.  I am realizing it would be good practice for me to minimize my humorous undertakings and try to write something more cerebral.   Yeah, cerebral, that's it.
OK. Practically speaking, humor needs to be minimized, intellect just ain't gonna happen, so this bloggy-thingyness will have to be made up of the bits that sift down between those two.
I really need to sleep. The Ambien is hitting hard (die-hard insomniac). I'm a tad dizzy even.
Darnit, this first post is a bust.
Tomorrow.  There is always Tomorrow.

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